Isaac Newton, a Turkey Vulture, was admitted to Treehouse Wildlife Center on May 29, 2014, from Palmyra as a nestling. He was found after his nest was accidentally destroyed during the demolition of an old farmhouse. Isaac had a wing and neck injury from the accident which required a lot of care in order for him to recover, and unfortunately, he became human imprinted during this time so could not be returned to the wild. Isaac is quite the character and often comes forward to greet guests.
It’s Up to You – Cast Your Vote by January 15th
By Tara L. Cale
Treehouse Wildlife Center is going old school again this year for the contest with voting by mail. Every $1 will equal one vote for your favorite animal, so $1 = 1 vote, $5 = 5 votes. Please mail in or drop off your Holiday card or letter to vote for your favorite permanent resident. The animal with the most votes will be named TreeHouse Wildlife Center’s 2021 Critter of the Year. Please address your cards or letters to TreeHouse Wildlife Center – Vote, 23956 Green Acres Rd., Dow, IL 62022.
The 1st, 100th, and 200th card or letter received will win a free TreeHouse T-shirt. Winners will be mailed a gift certificate for one TreeHouse Wildlife Center T-shirt (value $12.00). If you include a drawing or photo, we will display it at the center through the New Year and it may be selected to post on our Facebook updates. All holiday cards will be recycled through our crafting program.
To view the current permanent residents visit www.treehousewildlifecenter.com/resident-animals. Voting will go through January 15th.
Follow the website page at www.treehousewildlifecenter.com/critter-of-the-year or on Facebook at Facebook.com/TreehouseWC for weekly updated vote totals. The staff, volunteers, and board members at Treehouse Wildlife Center hope you have a safe and enjoyable Holiday
TreeHouse Wildlife Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to the rehabilitation of sick, injured, and orphaned wildlife and the educational promotion of environmental stewardship and awareness. Established in 1979, TreeHouse has been serving the southwestern Illinois community for over 40 years as a professional resource for those who encounter a wild animal in need.
In addition, TreeHouse believes that for any wildlife rehabilitation program to be truly successful, it must be partnered with an interactive public education program. We have been given the very unique opportunity to interact with the public and educate our human communities about the value of wildlife, the basic needs of these animals, and man’s overall impact. By following these educative objectives we can further our cause by teaching people to have compassion, tolerance, and understanding for the creatures that we dedicate our time to save.
TreeHouse does not receive government funding of any kind and operates solely on donations from the public, memberships, fundraisers, grants, and fees from education programs.
While the organization is operated by a dedicated staff of talented and knowledgeable individuals, most positions are filled by volunteers. Volunteers help fill a variety of needs, from administering care and treatment of wildlife patients to building enclosures, educating the public, fundraising, and transporting animals.
TreeHouse Wildlife Center is open to the public 363 days a year (Closed to the public on Christmas and Thanksgiving Days). Visitors are invited to walk among the outdoor facilities and education center to learn about native wildlife, free of charge.
This story originally ran in the December 2021 issue of The Prairie Land Buzz Magazine. Buzz Magazine is a free monthly magazine distributed to 11 Illinois counties each month. For more information visit www.thebuzzmonthly.com.

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